SSP PE & Sports Premium Borough Case Study




“There is no doubt in our minds that the PE & Sport Premium Funding has had a positive impact on the experiences of Sutton’s children. It has enabled schools to invest in support, staffing, equipment and resources to enhance their PE curriculum offer, extracurricular opportunities and physical activity knowledge which can be applied across the curriculum and contribute to whole school development and enhanced health and wellbeing.”



Sutton SSP has been fortunate enough to exist since 2013, as long as the PE and Sports Premium Funding. Every year schools wait until the last minute to hear news about whether the funding will continue, so we thought it would be a good time to hear from schools in Sutton about the impact the funding has had. We put together a simple google form and sent it to Head Teachers and PE coordinators from over 40 Primary, Junior, Infant and Special schools in Sutton. We had 37 responses (one from a private school which shouldn’t have been included in the survey and is the only negative response, and one school responded twice - 2 different people). This represents 28 Primary/Junior schools, 4 Special Schools and 5 Infant schools (2 are federated with their junior schools so one collective response was received). This was a brilliant response which gives a true picture of The London Borough of Sutton.



Forms response chart. Question title: Has the PE and Sports Premium Funding helped all pupils to raise their level of participation in Physical Activity?. Number of responses: 37 responses.


According to our research 31 schools (83.8%) said that the PE & Sports Premium Funding had helped to increase pupils’s participation levels with 5 schools (13.5%) saying it had been some help. The one school that said no was a private school who does not receive the funding. Many schools have now been able to purchase new and varied equipment, have PE specialists or coaches to run extracurricular clubs or train teachers to run them. Children are enjoying a rich variety of activities and more children are encouraged to stay after school or come in early before school to participate in something new, all contributing to their 60 Active minutes per day. One school now has “over 200 children a term taking part in extra curricular clubs”. New equipment has enhanced playground provision increasing activity at break times and lunchtimes. Many schools use some of their premium to engage with other schools in the area by contributing to the cost of travel, entry or staffing, so that children can attend competitions or festivals in a range of locations and activities. The SSSP has seen demand for competitions and festivals rise in the last 3 years (although the last 18 months has been affected due to the pandemic, schools have embraced virtual and online activities and competitions). 



Forms response chart. Question title: Has the PE and Sports Premium Funding helped to improve the confidence of your staff?. Number of responses: 37 responses.

34 schools (91.9%) said that the PE & Sports Premium funding has helped to improve the confidence of their staff in delivering Physical Education and 2 schools (5.4%) were not sure. Many schools have used the funding to increase staff confidence by ‘upskilling staff’ with  additional staff training in delivering high quality PE through model lessons, team teaching and specialist staff meetings and Inset days. They have had “class teachers observe PE specialists leading their class in PE '' to be able to deliver more confidently on their own. One school has a PE specialist “constantly on hand to offer advice and support to teachers when planning and teaching PE”. Many schools (consistently between 26-28 schools since 2014) have used a proportion of their funding to  buy into Sutton Schools Sport Partnership (SSSP) for support and staff training. Many have also invested in new resources for delivering PE such as real PE (Create Development) and the Merton PE (Merton SSP). This has enhanced their curriculum PE offer by giving them the tools, supported by training to provide fun, engaging and meaningful lessons.



Forms response chart. Question title: Has the PE and Sports Premium Funding helped to improve the quality of teaching and learning in Physical Education?. Number of responses: 37 responses.

From our research 34 schools (91.9%) said that the PE & Sport Premium has helped to improve the quality of teaching and learning through upskilling staff with “skills that apply to all year groups and more importantly the skills are progressive”. Through examples of model lessons to show what a high quality lesson looks like and teaching specific skills which has enhanced teacher confidence, teaching and learning is filled with ambition, challenge and positive behaviours. “teachers growing in confidence in the planning and delivery of PE”. Having good access to physical and online resources has had a positive impact through clear inclusive lesson plans, progression of skills throughout the school journey. There are explicit learning outcomes which allows teachers to focus the lesson “PE focuses on a range of skills to improve confidence and wellbeing of children as a whole, including personal, social and cognitive skills that can be used in greater school life.” Support for teachers from SSSP centres around positive teaching habits applicable to the whole curriculum which lead to positive learning behaviours and an enhanced curriculum PE offer.




Since the increase of funding, many schools have increased the range of opportunities on offer , some have employed sports coaches to deliver extracurricular clubs and to work with teachers in curriculum PE. Many have used the SSSP to support their curriculum offer who have become a trusted and valued partner in the borough. Most schools in Sutton have invested in resources to support physical activity and curriculum PE by purchasing Schemes of Work or online subscriptions, a variety of equipment and external specialist support. Most schools have seen an increase in participation levels and access to competitive or development events has increased. By investing in all these things the confidence of teachers in delivering PE has increased, but there is always more to do. Many “children are happy to take part” and “proud to represent their school in  a range of activities and sport; and it has raised the profile of the school”. Physical Activity must now be high profile in every school with its associated benefits for health and wellbeing. With this funding there have been more “clubs and events targeted for children who have SEND, children who are disadvantaged and pupil premium to ensure that opportunities are available for all”.

“There is no doubt in our minds that the PE & Sport Premium Funding has had a positive impact on the experiences of Sutton’s children. It has enabled schools to invest in support, staffing, equipment and resources to enhance their PE curriculum offer, extracurricular opportunities and physical activity knowledge which can be applied across the curriculum and contribute to whole school development and enhanced health and wellbeing.”



  • Participation has been raised especially with PP children, those with SEN and many targeted as least active, or most affected by the lockdown periods (e.g. family bereavement, lack of support at home). Clubs have been offered to these children FOC and have been covered by sports premium. We have also offered many spaces at a discounted rate. We have used new equipment for children at play times and lunch times so all children are happy and active during their lunch and play times. New equipment has been used during lessons so that all teachers can have sufficient equipment when taking into consideration quarantining equipment.
  • Pupils taking part in more extra-curricular activities
  • Pupils attending sports festivals
  • External sports club opportunities
  • Sports coach to deliver a range of clubs that can suit a range of children.
  • Funding of a school minibus so that children can attend further competitions that have a range of locations.
  • A range of resources to enhance the learning during PE lessons and also upskilling staff with new ideas to incorporate during PE and at break times.
  • Coaches for lunchtime and play clubs; more equipment to ensure engagement; PE subject leader time to work on curriculum/clubs/engagement.
  • Through the Daily Mile, through the use of Teach Active (active lessons) in Maths, English, homework and interventions, through active lunchtimes run by Supremos. We have run inter house competitions and taken part in various sporting competitions each year.
  • Lunchtime provision of games. Class kits for 'Be Active, Be Healthy' - helps with 30 mins a day.
  • Class pedometers to promote Daily Mile. Table tennis table and a range of playtime equipment to boost activity.
  • Additional clubs funded via Sports Premium
  • Additional swimming available



  • An extra 25 hours extra curricular clubs per week with Sports Coaches. More training and opportunities has led to increased confidence, skills and team performance resulting in more sporting success for the school. Use of social media, and an increase in school assemblies that focus on celebration of achievements alongside pupils’ own desire to succeed has raised the profile of physical activity by increasing awareness. This has improved everyone’s attitudes and behaviours creating a positive whole school impact.
  • More Sporting experiences for pupils - Brownlee Triathlon, Wembley Stadium England mens match, Wembley Stadium England ladies match. Basketball all-stars match at the Copper box arena, ATP tennis finals at O2 arena, Paralympic Swimming Championships at the London Aquatics centre.
  • Able to supply a team to attend every SSP event.
  • Trust ran competitive and participation events.
  • Teacher Team Training with SSP and Trust Sports Development officer
  • Attend and host other niche sporting events e.g. Wallball & Korfball competitions
  • Sports Interventions to improve mental well being for students
  • Sports interventions for SEN & PP children.
  • All stars & Dynamos Cricket programs for PP children.
  • Panathlon events.
  • More sporting equipment.
  • New PE Curriculum - real PE
  • All pupils now have 2 hours of PE a week.
  • Specialist PE teacher leading every class in a PE lesson a week and providing classroom based teachers training, support and advice in the delivery of PE.
  • Over 200 children a term taking part in extra curricular clubs.
  • Entering into and the running of borough sports leagues and sporting fixtures such as netball, football, tag-rugby leagues and athletics competitions.
  • Ensuring PE equipment and resources are readily available to allow for high quality PE lessons, a range of extra curricular clubs and sporting fixtures.
  • Membership of SSSP which gives access to a multitude of sporting events for the children and staff training.
  • Fitness week - different physical activities, Activity bands for one year group, more equipment to help with separate bubbles.
  • In school lunchtime activity which enhances opportunities with organised activities in year group sessions.
  • Intra events - delivering opportunities to engage in active festivals and sport based competitions in school.
  • Termly entry into variety of inter school events
  • It has allowed us to run more extra curricular clubs to improve higher participation rates
  • All classes are given access to a PE Specialist twice a week. These sessions last for 40 minutes. This has a knock on effect that children then enjoy sport and attend the extracurricular clubs that are on offer.
  • We now provide two hours of curriculum PE to all children from Reception to Y6. In addition all classes participate in the Daily Mile. This is timetabled to ensure it happens and all children expect and enjoy it. We have also used funding to renew equipment and purchase new resources for children to use at play times and in lessons. Basketball hoops, Korfball rings, handball and hockey equipment are just a few examples of the resources we have purchased to increase participation in a variety of different sports at lunchtime and after school. Through the SSP we train our Y6 pupils to be Sports Supremos. They then provide lunchtime activities for our KS1 pupils and gives Y6 a sense of achievement as they organise and run the activities.
  • Our SSP also organises tournaments and competitions for pupils of all abilities to participate in - provided as part of the package we buy into.
  • We hired a PE teaching assistant who runs clubs after and before school every day - allowing more children to participate in school activities
  • With this, we could enter more sporting events with more teams.
  • With the funding, we could enter the Football leagues for both Boys and Girls, buy new kits for them and allow them the experience of playing at Sutton United FC stadium and Carshalton Athletic FC stadium.
  • More equipment - e.g. badminton sets, dodgeball sets, boxing set for Boxfitt clubs.
  • It has allowed us to afford a Sports Coach for after school clubs. We have purchased '5 a day tv'.
  • More extra curricular activities have been available, more targeted groups, children accessing outside clubs due to positive engagement in school
  • Increased number of children attending a variety of competitions both in school and outside of school. Access to a wider range of equipment and sporting opportunities within lessons, lunchtime clubs, after school clubs and in competitions. Revamped Sports Day. More leadership opportunities provided. Sessions delivered to children by SSP.
  • More pupils taking part in football, dance and panathlon sports
  • Access to extra curricular provision which would previously have not been accessible.
  • It has allowed for more equipment to be bought to offer more physical activities during the day and before/after school.
  • New equipment to improve our provision at break and lunch times. E.g basketball hoops and balls, tennis rackets and balls. This maximises the amount of time children are involved in sports activities. Sports coaches who run clubs at lunch time and facilitate activities on the playground.
  • Before COVID it enabled students to have access to a wide range of activities. It also allowed the school to purchase further equipment to support their participation within these activities.
  • Improved equipment, marked out areas in the playground, funding for staff member to raise profile 
  • Extra PE sessions in school.
  • Training our staff, class equipment for playtimes, after school clubs, sports coach during the day and after school
  • Offering a range of extracurricular sports clubs to interest as many children as possible, cheerleading, dance, tennis, football, multi skills etc. We have also had a number of specialised external coaches provide workshops for all children to encourage them to try new sports e.g gymnastics, street dance and handball.
  • Having SSSP membership to support PE teaching, enter competitions and more equipment to try different sports.
  • Raising the profile of PE across the school and the use of Sports Coaches to enhance CPD for teachers.
  • Provision of schemes such as imoves (ks2) and Real PE (ks1), Healthy Heroes Workshop to be delivered in Summer 2
  • There has been an increase in participation during lessons (teacher feedback & pupil voice) and in the amount of children taking part in school clubs (either at lunchtime or after school). We have also raised participation through various workshops, including skipping and yoga which children have then said they have continued to practise at home.


  • The funding has been used to attend PE conferences and training to support staff. The money has also been used to support team teaching - those less confident with Real PE and the PE coordinator.
  • Training from Create development on PE curriculum, including Gym
  • Showcase lessons from the local borough sports partnership
  • Staff have received a range of training opportunities and they are applying them throughout the day.
  • We have recently implemented a new SoW to complement our existing scheme. In-depth training supporting these resources has provided staff with a better understanding of how to teach skills inclusively 
  • Through team teaching, modelled lessons, release time to support staff, training for NQTs and other staff. Access to Children's Health Project which has supported Wellbeing and PSHE leads in leading their areas too. Increased networking with other schools for PE leads which has led to increased confidence to lead staff.
  • Level 5 course by the PE Lead which then filters through to other staff members including a CPD session.
  • Staff training and courses.
  • Additional training given
  • Sports Partnership membership provides training to increase the confidence of NQT and RQT's
  • real Legacy training and schools INSET helped improve whole school teacher confidence.
  • Been used for sports coaches to team teach with staff.
  • Every week, class teachers observe PE specialists leading their class in PE. Class teachers are encouraged to team teach with specialists and also take their class for a PE lesson later in the week that follows on from/repeats what the PE specialist taught their class. PE specialist is constantly on hand to offer advice and support to teachers when planning and teaching PE. SSSP provides staff training and support to teachers and PE specialists.
  • All teachers & some support staff have attended Youth Mental Health First Aid courses.
  • SSSP engagement in school to support staff as the team have delivered staff meeting CPD and staff have attended SSSP courses e.g NQT sessions
  • Regular support from PE coordinator
  • Through paying into the real legacy program 95% of staff feel more confident in teaching high quality PE due to the strong lesson design and plans and the training that all staff have received.
  • As a private school we do not receive a payment
  • Staff work with PE Coordinator to ensure their bank of activities are increased which means they can continue the session if necessary.
  • From our staff survey, we found that the teachers at our school were not as confident in teaching dance. With the funding, we were able to buy an Imoves package and training. We use Sutton SSP to aid teachers in topics that they find more challenging to deliver or new topics.
  • Our school sports partnership has provided training through team teaching in school, offsite training with specialist sports professionals and collaboration between staff in school. More staff are willing to attend competitions, run clubs and participate in outdoor residential visits. Teaching assistants also have gained confidence and willingly help in PE lessons where in the past they would have got on with admin jobs during PE lessons. We now also use our funding to buy in the Create PE resources - REAL PE. This aligned with our Mental Health and Wellbeing ethos as it promotes movement and activity for all for life, not just sports associated with PE lessons. It also links well with our focus on the holistic nature of health and well-being, social skills and resilience. Staff are confident to deliver these lessons, due to the training provided by Create PE and the SSP staff, and the children at all levels enjoy participating in them. We have also used funding to renew equipment and purchase new resources for children to use during PE lessons and in extra curricular clubs.
  • The Merton Scheme provided the teachers with confidence to teach certain areas of PE. real PE has provided a visual representation of some PE aspects for the teacher. We have recently upgraded our REAL PE membership to REAL GYM and REAL DANCE which will be implemented fully next September.
  • Training from Create & SSSP has given teachers the confidence and know how to teach real PE.
  • Extra CPD has been able to be given and we've been able to invest time in following this up.
  • Opportunities for more staff to attend competitions and festivals, support from a PE specialist teacher, Support from SSP at school, PE sheds fully resourced.
  • Staff are able to model the activities of outside coaches and has used this experience to help to support pupils during these sessions, as well as build on these ideas in sessions where no coach is present
  • Access to staff training
  • CPD offered for staff resulting in staff feeling more confident when delivering PE lessons.
  • It has provided us with CPD opportunities such as trampolining, football, mental health awareness and others….
  • Additional training opportunities, planning support
  • Learning from coaches about how to coach pupils and manage them in PE settings
  • SSP have supported our staff with coaching skills
  • We have utilised our local sports partnership to support our staff and provide localised training. We have organised training surrounding our new PE scheme and the implementation of this. Through the use of the funding we have managed to offer training for our staff run by school staff, external agencies and local PE leads.
  • CPD provided to upskill staff in their teaching of PE.
  • CPD through the specialised coaches
  • Able to get SSSP to come in and team teach and given the PE team time to support other teachers and implement a scheme of work
  • Teachers have been given the opportunity to team teach with Sports Coaches.
  • Due to Covid CPD has not been sourced externally this year. Support from SSSP has supported me as a new PE subject lead.
  • We have been able to purchase a new scheme (Create Development - Real PE) which has improved teacher confidence (teacher audits) to deliver skilled PE lessons and given them the confidence to challenge pupils through comprehensive resources and supporting documents and videos including the online platform. 



  • We have been able to access real PE, real gym and real PE at home which was brilliant during lockdown - we had lots of children using the resources remotely. The funding has also been used to support team teaching of new staff/those who haven't had specific real PE training. Good quality equipment has been available for all teacher lessons to allow lessons to run smoothly, engage children and also differentiate based on each child's need.
  • Support from Sutton Schools Sport Partnership on high quality PE and Physical Activity in schools
  • Children in KS2 attend swimming lessons and have access to the local leisure centre.
  • real PE scheme which has high quality lesson plans for all year groups, including EYFS
  • real PE includes the clear progression of skills throughout the primary school journey
  • PE focuses on a range of skills to improve confidence and well-being of the child as a whole, including personal, social and cognitive skills that can be used in greater school life.
  • Resources for lessons and the range of activities available for the pupils.
  • More time to watch and observe lessons using funding for cover; equipment allows teachers to be better prepared for lessons; better use of AfL due to training.
  • Through the purchase of two different schemes which are progressive and support both skill and sport understanding. Through funding release time for PE leads to support staff in developing teaching and learning of PE lessons.
  • The PE lead has provided feedback and learnings picked up from a Level 5 PE Specialist course to help with self reflection on PE lessons especially regarding activity levels and differentiation.
  • More equipment, improved resources, bought into teaching schemes (real PE and Merton scheme)
  • Upskilling of staff
  • Team teaching with specialist sports coaches.
  • Staff PE INSET and twilight sessions.
  • Improved teaching, knowledge and assessment.
  • High quality PE equipment.
  • PE specialist taking every class for PE lessons.
  • PE specialist providing training/support/advice to teachers in the delivery of PE.
  • SSSP provided training to all staff.
  • Teachers are growing in confidence in the planning and delivery of PE.
  • In the past the funding has been used to give support and send staff on courses, although this didn't happen the same this year
  • SSSP engagement through personalised support in school (modelling lessons and team teaching) has improved Teaching & Learning 
  • Paired PE sessions delivered to support class teachers to deliver quality lessons
  • real PE taught across the whole school staff supported with training upskilling them
  • Specific progressive skills taught to all year groups applied to games eg cricket, football and children have become more confident during gymnastic sessions developing sequence work.
  • With the teachers feeling more confident, the quality of teaching is better. Also, with the funding we have been able to invest in a lot more equipment of better quality.
  • We use around £5000 of our funding to buy into the offer from Sutton Schools Sport Partnership.The support and training provided by our SSP has been thorough and effective. We have had a member of the team work with all our staff at various times over the years since they formed. They have provided training in Gymnastics, games, dance, real PE and Mental Health. They hold annual conferences based around a specific theme. For example this year was used around outdoor learning and how all subjects can be taken outdoors. It also spotlighted our local outdoor centre and what it can provide for children and staff. All of this has ensured that our pupils receive high quality PE and sport provision.
  • The teachers are more aware of the Key vocabulary around sport and teaching PE. Teachers understand that it is our aim to encourage children to be physically active in their way rather than through sports which has been one of the benefits of the sports funding (through real PE).
  • The PE & Sports premium has allowed us to buy into the SSP, who have supported teaching and learning in PE. It has also allowed the PE lead to undertake the level 5 primary PE qualification, which has enhanced subject knowledge that can be filtered down to other staff.
  • Increased CPD for teachers has increased the quality of teaching and learning and therefore the outcome (attainment and progress) for children.
  • Staff receive support, guidance and ideas from a PE specialist teacher, Support from SSP at school, more access to training opportunities, PE sheds fully resourced.
  • As above. By giving educators practical approaches to support pupils in their physical education activities. It has also helped to ensure that pupils' experiences in sports are extended.
  • Access to training and teaching workshops
  • As stated above, the confidence increase has also increased the quality of the lessons.
  • The new equipment has also aided this as it has allowed for more activities to be taught in lessons to practise the specific learning objectives / skills.
  • Sport coaches currently teach PE lessons
  • As stated it has allowed the school to provide staff with CPD opportunities and a supportive scheme of work, plus practical support for teachers 
  • Increased confidence of non PE staff
  • Through CPD and raising the profile, CPD for PE leader (level 5), interventions
  • Employed coaches to deliver specialised coaching in a variety of sports such as tennis, dance and cricket. Had training from Surrey Cricket to enhance the coaching of cricket sessions.
  • Teachers have been able to watch how specialised coaches have taught lessons and how they teach different skills.
  • Allowed children greater opportunities to access different sports and competitions. Giving staff the opportunity to access team teaching from a PE lead or from SSSP. To have SSSP in to support wellbeing. To buy new equipment to support PE learning.
  • The Sports Coaches and PE coordinator have worked together to provide a programme of study for the children which gets adapted and updated termly.
  • Good access to physical resources as well as online platforms to support quality teaching.
  • Teachers are more confident, helping them to deliver more effective lessons as a result. All children are now developing the whole child, including social and cognitive skills, helping them build healthier relationships for life. It has also allowed us to better assess children to decide on next steps and ensure all make progress and enjoy PE lessons.


  • We have been able to support staff through training, team teaching, providing resources for lessons and equipment. It has allowed us to take part in football and netball leagues for both boys and girls. We have had a huge improvement in those with SEND taking part in clubs and events in and out of school as well as those who may otherwise not have had opportunities. We have made links with other schools in the local area which has allowed more friendly games, giving children more cultural capital. We have had excellent support from the Sutton Schools Sport Partnership over the years, whose support has been invaluable. It has allowed us to raise our profile of sport and PE over the years through accreditations such as Healthy Schools London Award and School Games Mark(Silver). We have been able to provide clubs, even just after lockdown including non traditional sports to appeal to as many children as possible. We have been able to provide children with equipment to play with at break times which further improves their ABC skills even out of lessons. We have also been able to use the funding to support swimming galas.
  • The funding has been a huge benefit to the children to encourage a lifelong enjoyment of physical activity through Physical Education. The funding has allowed our school to create a strong link to our local Schools Sport Partnership which supports us in maintaining a level of high quality PE, clubs, festivals and opportunities for all children. There have been clubs and events targeted for children who have SEND, children who are disadvantaged and pupil premium to ensure that opportunities are available for all. The funding has also provided us with our sports coach, who can deliver quality extra-curricular clubs so that children can further develop the skills they learn in PE with a specific sport. With the newest development being the use of the real PE scheme in school, we know that high quality plans are in place for children of all ages to progress not only in their physical skills, but their personal development and well-being, developing the child as a whole to encourage a positive bond with being a physically active person.
  • It has allowed the school to think outside the box with ideas to enhance the PE provision in school. This has included resources and training as well as visits to off site activities such as swimming, climbing and horse riding which all help to enrich our curriculum. We have also been able to improve the playground with climbing equipment and a trim trail which is invaluable to the pupils throughout the day. We are hoping to get an outdoor gym to add to this for all the pupils and local community to access.
  • More sports provision; exposure to a wider range of sport and activity through showcase days/celebrity sports stars; opportunities to be in wider school activities such as diving, gymnastics.
  • The main impact that this funding has had is that it has enabled the school to employ a Sports Coach who can train sports teams and take them to events throughout the school year. This has allowed us to attend events and training which we would otherwise not have access to. It has had an immense impact on the amount of subscriptions which we have been able to buy into which promote both PE and physical activity.
  • The profile of PE and Sport is unrecognisable to what it was prior to the funding. There are more children taking part in physical activities and sports than prior to the funding with more extra curricula equipment to aid more children to have a positive experience of activities/sports they might not otherwise have the chance to do. *This has not been as strong over the past year with the lockdowns.
  • Upskilled and developed confidence of teachers, giving children greater access to sports
  • The funding has been invaluable to improving confidence and quality of teaching and learning across the school. The biggest impact however is on the levels of physical activity and providing sporting experience to improve pupils awareness and attitudes towards a wide sporting spectrum.
  • Extremely positive :)
  • PE and sport has become a pillar in our school. Children have come to develop a passion for physical activity and sport and the numbers taking part in extra curricular clubs and fixtures has grown year on year.
  • Increase in staff knowledge, more consistent curriculum across the school, more physical opportunities, sports leadership opportunities, more competitions attended and clubs available
  • Overall the funding has raised the profile of PE as a curriculum area through improving understanding of the importance of physical activity- highlighting where this fits in to deliver a holistic and creative approach and establishing the importance to lifelong physicality and health lifestyles
  • Really enabled school as a whole to increase participation rates in all extra curricular clubs, support & pay for PP & DA children to sign up to local sports teams, and given opportunities, such as excellent sports trips to watch England at Wembley, to help inspire children in the sport.
  • It has raised the profile of PE and enabled all children to participate in quality physical activity. Children are happy to take part and this has the positive effect on raising standards within the classroom. Children are proud to represent their school in a range of activities 
  • As well as the comments above, we have been able to have regular release time for the PE co-ordinator/s and arrange for more children to participate in extracurricular activities.
  • The sports funding which has been provided since 2013 has allowed us as a small school (210) to provide resources, training and opportunities for all children to become healthy active children. We would have been unable to provide the quantity or standard of training received through the SSSP without the sports funding from the Government. PE and sport would not have such a high profile at our school without this additional funding. We are able to ensure that our pupils who are not able to pay for after school clubs are given free access to a variety of sports. We are able to provide swimming lessons for all KS2 pupils. When our children move onto secondary school, the majority of them will comment about the many sporting opportunities they have had at school as one of their lasting memories. At ……... Primary, the PE and Sports Premium funding has provided a legacy of high achievement for all in physical activity and wellbeing.
  • Overall, the funding has allowed our school to hire support for PE. This means that PE has always had someone working to make it better. Meaning there has been a balance between being a PE Coordinator and a Class teacher. As well as the improved resources for PE lessons, the funding has allowed more clubs and a variety of different clubs, as well as a variety of competitions entered. With all of this participation due to the funding, we have been able to secure our school games mark which would've been really difficult without the funding.
  • We have been an academy since 2018 and have benefitted from the support of the SSSP since before this time. The SSSP have supported teaching and learning in PE during this time. Since Sept 2019 a sports coach has been employed, greatly increasing the number of children able to participate in activity before/after school. Resources have also been enhanced and supplemented during this time, for example playtime equipment ordered to encourage active break times. PE, PA and sport now have an increased profile in the school and also facilitate whole school development including the children being healthy learners and global citizens, in line with the Academy Trust's outcomes.
  • We have been able to update and invest in equipment, invest in staff through more CPD opportunities, provide pupils with a huge range of enrichment opportunities i.e., seeing and trying a wide range of new sports, competitions and festivals, benefitting from expert coaches.
  • We have been able to completely revamp our PE provision as a result of this funding. Here is a list of some of our successes and achievements since this funding has been in place (this year has been impacted due to COVID): Brand new Sports Day - 2 years running - completely reorganised and revamped, fully resourced, Specialist PE teacher in KS2 delivering lessons and supporting class teachers with their PE teaching, lunchtime Supremo Activities continue to be a success, a wider range of after school club opportunities offered, a wider range of physically active Fun Friday sessions offered, a wider range of competitions/events attended alongside ‘mainstream’ sports - e.g. Panathlon, Tri-golf, Dance, an increase in the number of staff who are involved in school competitions, competition achievements, write ups and results shared with our school community via our website, investing in the Merton PE Scheme of Work to support the delivery of a wider range of physical activity - this has helped improved staff planning and confidence, continued subscription to ‘Jump Start Johnny’ has increased physical activity across the school every day, regular attendance of SSSP (Sutton Schools Sport Partnership) training sessions and PE Annual Conference, successful meetings and pupil training sessions with SSSP at school, swimming provision now includes Year 5 swimmers so our children swim in KS1 and KS2, achieving the School Games Mark awards.
  • Please refer to the school website where there is a summary detailing the impact on sports premium since 2013
  • Increased sporting provision, new sports on offer due to the equipment the extra funding has purchased. Increase in extra-curricular offer with specialists able to come in to deliver these clubs. Staff training has increased confidence to enable staff to lead inter school competitions.
  • We have been able to purchase real LEGACY which has been extremely helpful in more ways than one!
  • More CPD has been offered to staff across all year groups.
  • The membership with SSSP has helped as they have been able to provide extra support whether that's through team teaching / showcase lessons / training for coordinator.
  • Used to provide festivals and events for Pupil Premium children.
  • Equipment, training sessions for staff, specialist sports coaches, SSSP- school competitions and events
  • It has been essential in providing the students with a way of accessing a lifelong participation in sport.
  • We have been able to massively improve our playground offer to support with PE teaching, as well as giving staff many different opportunities to develop their teaching skills, which, in turn, has positively impacted on the children
  • It has allowed us to engage our pupils in a wider range of activities than before
  • The funding helps us to raise the profile, expertise and opportunities for all children.
  • The Sports Premium has allowed us to provide opportunities, coaching and experiences for our children that we would not normally be able to do. We have been able to take the children to a range of events that allowed them to experience a range of sports and activities. Through the use of localised training we have been able to pinpoint areas of development and develop our staff and children. We have utilized the training from the local SSSP to upskill staff and provide a range of opportunities for our children.
  • Increased participation in local sports events. It has also allowed schools to buy in programmes of PE to improve the delivery and subject knowledge of teachers.
  • It has made a huge impact on our wealth of PE resources across the school. We have also had lots of opportunities to experience different skills and sports. We have been able to raise the profile of PE through whole school events with our school community. We have had special Health and Fitness Fortnights to invite elite athletes and specialised instructors to improve our pedagogy and give children different and fun experiences.
  • The sports funding has given us the opportunity to sign up with SSPS and to be able to participate in the various different festivals, competitions and meets they provide. It has given the teachers an opportunity to grow secure in a scheme of work and get support from the PE leads and SSSP to get a better understanding of how to teach PE. With the money we have been able to buy new equipment to build on from what we have and grow the amount of clubs we offer allowing children to participate in different games and sports.
  • Team teaching with teaching staff and Sports Coaches has been the biggest gain as this has greatly helped CPD across the school and raised the profile of PE,
  • Have only been SL since September 2020 so feel unable to answer this.
  • The biggest impact has been upon teacher confidence, where all staff feel happy and enjoy teaching PE lessons more, which has improved the quality of our PE lessons. It has also had a big impact in allowing us to offer a wider variety of sports and activities for children to help raise participation and the profile of a range of sports. We have also been able to offer a wider variety of clubs to cater for all children in our school, including pupil premium, to ensure there are opportunities for all to engage in and enjoy physical activity.

With thanks to all the schools that took park;

Tweeddale Primary School

Carew Academy

Westbourne Primary

The Federation of St Elphege's Schools 

High View

All Saints Carshalton CofE Primary School


Harris Junior Academy Carshalton 

St Dunstan's Cheam

Bandon Hill Meadow Field 

Cheam Common Infants

The Limes College

Sherwood Park School

Cheam Park Farm Primary Academy

Beddington Park Academy


All Saints Benhilton 

Stanley Park Juniors

Hackbridge Primary school

Dorchester Primary School

Manor Park 

St. Mary's

Robin Hood Infant School

Rushy Meadow Primary Academy

Wandle Valley Academy


Culvers House Primary School

Holy Trinity CofE Junior School

Abbey Primary School

Cheam Fields Primary Academy 

Stanley Park Infants School

St. Cecilia's Primary School

Cheam Common Junior Academy

Nonsuch Primary

Devonshire Primary school

Green Wrythe